I hope they like me.
I know it’s silly.
I realize my identity is found in Christ. I am tracking that obedience is more important than acceptance. I recognize making Christ the priority is imperative. I understand all of it.
And yet….
As I headed to my first week of Bible study at our new church, this thought ran through my mind again. This is not the first time since we moved that this thought has passed by.
The first time I met the other soccer moms.
The multiple churches we visited once we got here.
The time I met the other wives in the unit.
The time we were invited to the neighbor’s house for dinner.
The thought sneaks right into my mind every time I head out to something new. As a military wife, changing locations often, this thought and these experiences are nothing new. We’ve moved eight times in the past fifteen years and no doubt we’ll move again.
I hope they like me.
Truth be told, community is important. God has made us for such things and yet it can be intimidating, especially for this tried and true introvert. I know many of you surely don’t have this thought at all. You are no doubt confident in who God made you to be and where he has placed you. You are so well-grounded in your identity that this thought never even makes an appearance in your world.
But for me it’s different.
I battle this thought every time, but I also get to see God work through it. As I take a big breath, remind myself of his faithfulness, and step bravely into new things, I get to see God’s faithfulness again. And I am so grateful I did.
So as we all start to see RFOs (Requests for Orders) and firm Orders show up in our world or in those around us, we are reminded again that the season is coming when we will have to “make new friends,” step into something new, and bravely trust in the purpose and provision of God.
I thought maybe – just maybe – some of you might struggle with this very thing. To that end, I am sharing how I have learned to walk it. I would also love your tried and true ideas about how you do it!
When this thought runs through my mind, this is what I do:
- Breathe – I can get myself so worried. Truth be told, my hair will probably be a bit crazy, I’ll be wishing I was wearing yoga pants, and I will no doubt forget something I was supposed to bring. It’s all part of life. So, take a deep breath and remember – God has shown up every other time. He will here too. Psalm 136 is a great way to do this. Breathe in as you think the first part of the verse, then breathe out “His love endures forever.” Here are the first three verses for reference:
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
Psalm 136:1-3
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.
- Remember – Especially as military folks, we can look back and see the track record of God. The people he has brought into our lives and the places he has taken us – and he has shown up every time. This time will be no different. Remember those moments and the blessings that have come from each place. It will no doubt give you courage for today.
- Go Anyway – Even in the times where you’re still nervous, the question of whether they will like you still hanging on your mind, go anyway. Step out in faith and courage. God will meet you there.
God shows up in amazing ways every time and yet the thought still crosses my mind: “I hope they like me.” Surely someone else in the world struggles with this same thing.
How do you “step out again?”
What are your tried and true methods for trust and courage in these “new” places? I’m all ears.
I hope they like me. Truly.

But at the end of the day, I’m thankful for the One who likes me regardless. Be brave, my friends.
It’s worth it every time.
I sure do like you. And I can totally relate to every word you’ve written.
Thanks, Ginger. The feeling is mutual. You’re one of my faves. I’m also super glad I am not the only one who has this thought!!!
Kori, Hi! Thank you for what you wrote. It’s been on my heart to see more about planting roots and I’m thankful our paths have crossed . This article I can totally relate to. I have a hard time and am an over thinker and have to be still. Be still and know I am God comes in my head a lot. I have a busy brain and being still helps me a lot. But I always wonder if they still like me and if I can be myself. But our God knows me and it is well with my soul because his love endures forever . Thank you
Ellie – I am glad our paths have crossed too. I love the truth you speak in moments when we wonder if they like us – God knows us, and it is well with our soul because His love endures forever. Thank you for the sweet reminder of who He is. Would be super happy to cross path in real life again!