When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”(Judges 6:11)
Mighty Warrior – it’s what the angel of the Lord called Gideon.
What was Gideon doing at the time?
I asked the same question. So, I went back and looked. I thought for sure he was doing something great and courageous already, maybe a leader of men. It seems, though, that God doesn’t usually call men from such places.
He seems to choose the unlikely, the lowly, the un-expecting.
Think about Mary, David, Joseph, John the Baptist, Deborah. All of them not likely candidates for God to use in mighty and powerful ways, but used nonetheless.
Gideon was much the same.
When the angel of the Lord called him, he was threshing wheat. It was a process for farmers to separate the grain from the straw. Gideon was doing this on his own, not with oxen or other animals to walk over them. He was also doing it in an isolated place because of those Midianites. Here he was in relative obscurity, doing his job, when the angel came to him.
But, the angel called him “Mighty Warrior.” What is up with that?
I see something in that that encourages and strengthens me in my personal walk.
It could, no doubt, be for many reasons, but the reason that jumps out to me is that the Lord saw something in him before it came to be. God knew what he had created Gideon to do from the day he was born to the day he died. This was one of those days.He saw the mighty warrior in Gideon. He called him to be more because God knew he was made for more.
This I love because if God saw more in Gideon, He sees more in me too. Gods knows what I was made to do. He knows what I can be and He calls me. Through the simple obedience of each day, He is preparing me for more. He knows the longing of my heart to impact the world for the kingdom, far beyond what I can see. I pray that He sees in me what He saw in Gideon.
I want to be a mighty warrior, too.
Jennifer Moye says
Awesome post Kori! I love this passage and that a few verses later (vs 14) the angel tells Gideon to “go with the strength you have” and save Israel. God doesn’t expect us to have everything together. He just say to take what strength we have (no matter how big of small) and take our first step of obedience by just going where He send us! Good word my friend!