Today, no doubt, you’re struggling with a decision, wondering what the “right” answer is. What does God want you to do? How do you choose?
You’re not alone.
Across our military culture, we’re debating staying in or getting out, how to prioritize a list of duty stations, reporting or not reporting something, which church to choose, homeschool or “regular” school, and even day-to-day choices of caring for children and spouses. We’re all making decisions and some of us are overwhelmed with our choices, not really sure we’re doing it right.
I am totally with you.
In a world that seems to have lost it’s marbles, I’m pretty sure I might for real be losing mine.
Let me reassure you in all of this uncertainty that there is one thing that will forever remain the same – God is still God.
When everything feels out of control, He’s still sovereign.
When we make mistakes and stumble along, He’s still faithful.
When evil seems to surround us, He’s still good.
Walking through this season, we will not get everything right. Our words will not always be what they’re supposed to be. The choices we make may very well be wrong. We may stumble over ourselves, hurt the ones we love most, or simply feel like giving up.
Welcome to being human.
As much as we desire to do ALL God calls us to do, being wholeheartedly obedient every step of the way, we’re just going to have moments of failure.
And it’s okay.
In moments like this, I love to take a look back at the life of David. God called David a man after His own heart and yet the mistakes David made along the way are monumental. From crazy children to infidelity, David pretty much covered the gamut of “mistakes.”
And yet – God still loved him. God still used him.
God is still the same.
As you make the decisions before you today, simply doing the best you can in the place where you are, I wanted to give you a few questions that may help you along the way. This is not a “to do” list or a practical plan like listing pros and cons. These are heart questions that hopefully will help you along in your choices of today and your continued desire to follow Jesus.
- Have you spent time reading His Word today?
- Have you spent time in focused prayer today?
- Are you connected with a Body of Believers in the place where you are for encouragement and accountability?
That’s it.
Matthew tells us (in a Chapter that has told us how to give, how to pray, how to fast, and how not to worry) to: “seek first the kingdom of Godand His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” (Matthew 6:33) He finished the Chapter with “Do the most important thing first.”

Do these things, make the best decisions you can, and trust your family and your future to the God who is still sovereign, faithful, and good.
LOVE THIS! Thank you
Jennifer, thank you for your encouragement and taking the time to read. Grateful for you!