I am so excited and honored to be a part of the Faith Deployed . . . Again Blog Tour! Just recently released, this is a sequel to one of the first books I ever read regarding military wives, Faith Deployed. Jocelyn Green, Author, does a great job of taking so many aspects of military lives, most especially deployment, and provides biblical foundations for encouragement and hope.
The book has twenty-five contributors from all branches of service, military wives who have allowed God to use them and grow them in amazing ways. They share daily devotionals and scripture references, but go even deeper as they challenge you to make application to your own life. They complete every short devotional with a prayer to get you started in your conversation with the Father.
I learned quite a bit on my journey through the book, but one specific devotional jumped out at me. Most of us have experienced deployments. Many wives have shared, and I have personally experienced it as well, the distancing of their husbands just prior to leaving. It can be a confusing time as we as wives hope to make the most of the moments we have, yet for some reason, we feel like our husbands minds and hearts have already left. “Predeployment Distance” hits on this very thing, but takes a turn I did not expect. The devotional takes this very confusing and sometimes challenging circumstance and compares it to Jesus and the disciples in the garden, just before His crucifixion.
I would tell you the whole story, but you will have to read the book for yourself! The devotionals are challenging and encouraging, with a heart to guide others to the Savior. A definite good read, especially in the world of deployments. Would you like to read it? Here is your chance!! I am giving away a copy of it here! Simply share with me, via comments, how God has helped you and/or your husband grow during your times of separation or you can share with me your favorite thing about being/having been a military wife! You have till Friday (September 9), 3:00p CST. I will randomly choose a winner then and announce it here! Easy-peasy. Can’t wait to read the comments.
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