Regardless of where and when I sing this hymn, it becomes the anthem of my heart.
Because he lives
I can face tomorrow
Because he lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because he lives (Because He Lives)
I have vivid memories of this song, one of them while sitting in the front pew during my mom’s funeral. It was one of her favorite too. While walking through one of the most difficult times of my life, I could remember His faithfulness to me.
Pondering yesterday during Easter, remembering His faithfulness and love again, I had these words in my mind again. The words changed, though, as I thought about them.
In discussions with friends lately, we have been chatting about the difference between words like should, can, and will. I know, it seems silly, but words carry much with them. Because He Lives takes on a bit of a different context for me when the wording changes a bit.
Think about it. What if it said, “Because He lives, I WILL face tomorrow.”
It’s somehow different then.
It’s not just a possibility but a definitive intent to do so.
I will face tomorrow. I will be obedient to Christ. I will glorify Him with my life.
All because He lives.
Easter takes on new meaning and draws me to a courageous obedience – because HE lives.
What is He calling us to do? Are we following with our whole heart?
Love it! And I would totally be hashing out the nuances of those words right alongside you! XO
You would be good at hashing out those words. You are quite the wordsmith. Thankful for you!
Amen and amen!