In a world of crazy – there is still a constant.
As our world wrestles with something over which we have little control, some of us face serious job loss, unexpected deployments, concerns about our health or the health of those we love, and struggles with finding a new normal. It can all be a bit crazy.
Add to that those who have been confined to home where leaving gave them a reprieve from abuse, those who provided food for their children through outside means, or some who suffer from depression or addictions that seem to be more challenging in the anxious places.
It’s an uncertain time, for sure. Many of us wondering what difference we can make in the world when the challenges seem so big, questioning where the good is in a world that seems so hard.
This week as we look toward Easter, remembering hope, we need to be reminded of the constant, unchanging, all-powerful God who loves us all.
In a world of crazy – there is still a constant.
His name is Jesus.
I know it feels like we are in unprecedented times – and I guess we are, but there have been many in history who have walked through “unprecedented times” as well and their stories give us reminders of a God who is all-powerful and ever-present.
Here are some examples:
- Disciples caught in the storm
- Israelites trapped between the Egyptians and the Red Sea
- Siege of Jerusalem
- Disciples hiding out after Jesus’ death
In all of these circumstances and many more throughout Scripture, people, many of them worshipers of God, found themselves in moments of crazy. Whether a storm that would overtake them, enemies at the city walls, trapped between the enemy and a “hard place,” or hiding for fear of persecution, they were all in “unprecedented times.”
They found themselves in a place where there was only one hope, much like we find ourselves today. In that moment, when they were for sure all was lost, God showed up in powerful ways. He made a way of escape, took out the enemy, calmed the storm, and in the last case Jesus actually commissioned them while they were still hiding.
Today, if you find yourself in “unprecedented times,” have no fear. The God who showed up in all of these places is still God today.
Whether you’re in the midst of a PCS that is on hold indefinitely, working more hours and fearful of your own health or health of those around you, wondering if you’ll ever come out of quarantine, doing your best to teach and guide children at home, concerned about making ends meet with a paycheck that got cut, or simply feeling shaken because it’s something we’ve never faced, God is still at work here.
Those miracles and moments of power years ago? They can and do still happen.
Hoping God still sees and cares? He does.
Needing strength and courage to do what you’re asked? He still provides.
In our “unprecedented times,” we still serve an unprecedented God. There is none like Him. Take moments to seek him out again. He is still here. He is still in control. He still loves you.
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