Have you ever found yourself telling your children something, and then hearing God whisper in your ear “Have I not told you that at least one hundred times?” Well, this has happened to me more than once. In fact, I learned just yesterday at Bible Study that I am not alone in this. One lady even said she is for sure that God gave her children not so she could raise them, but so God could finish raising her. Profound, yes?
Anyway, I had this very thing happen to me just the other day. Our children periodically want to look at the same thing my husband and I are. Inevitably, a head or an entire body will be directly blocking our view. This happens when we are looking at pictures, computer screens, televisions, you name it. My husband says the same thing every time. He sweetly looks at our children and says, “You make a better door than a window.”
Our six-year-old has now figured out the meaning and attempts to remedy the situation (the three year old is still a little clueless). Scary as it is, God has said this same thing to me over the years and I just figured it out too. I really do make a better door than a window sometimes, but not in the same sense.
My only responsibility as a Christian is to point people to Jesus. Simple, right? Not really so much for me sometimes. I get sidetracked just like my children – doing the “things of Kori” and not the “things of God.” My life turns into a very effective door, making it quite difficult for people to see Jesus through me. His desire is for me to be a window – preferably a clean one.
Paul had the same desire, but He put it this way: “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death” (Philippians 1:20). He wanted to courageously be a window too so that he would have no regrets in the end.
So God challenged me today – am I making a better door than a window? I hope not.
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