I recorded two podcasts this week for Planting Roots’ Deeply Rooted Podcast. One podcast was with three women in uniform and the other was with four military wives (two being veterans). We talked everything from careers to marriage and a million things in between.
As much as these discussions were designed for encouraging and equipping military women and wives who have yet to hear them, I have a feeling the Lord designed them for me. These women were inspiring and encouraging. But even more, I saw their faithfulness in their walk with Christ. Through their words, they poured courage in me.
The topics in the two recordings were vastly different – one looking at why they joined the service, both the challenges and triumphs, and what the Lord has taught them; the other looking at our calling and realizing sometimes it doesn’t turn out the way we planned. Both conversations landed in the same place.
Take one more step.
One more step of faith, one more step of obedience. It’s all the Lord truly asks of any of us.
Years ago, eighteen-year-old me sat in the conference center dining facility where I was working for the summer listening to my supervisor tell me my mother had passed away during the night. I had no idea what to do next, but he did.
I took one more step.
That day I prepared to go home. The next day I traveled home across multiple states. Followed by a day of funeral arrangements with my Dad. Then the next, and the next, and the next.
As I listened this week, years later, I found the words of my friends on a podcast reminding me of the truth again – take one more step. Today is not as dramatic, and in our military world life truly feels more like a holding pattern, but the step he’s asking me to take today is not necessarily a tangible one. The step today has similarities to those days when I was eighteen.
The Lord is asking me to seek him and then follow where he leads – today. I don’t have to figure out a week from now or months from now or even next year. He wants my heart and obedience today.
Wherever you are today – waiting for orders for the next move, wondering when your heat or water will turn back on, struggling through a marriage you’re not sure will make it, realizing again that your parenting skills are not all you thought they were, you’re feeling like you don’t matter, or a million other things – God is simply asking you to take one more step toward him.
You don’t have to have all the answers, know the long-term plan, or even have a clue about tomorrow. Truth be told, you’re still good even if you don’t know what’s for dinner. Trust him – with today and every day hereafter.
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