One more thing…
They’ll probably write these words on my headstone someday. It seems to be the story of my life.
No matter where we’re headed, I feel like I can always accomplish just one more thing. My kids know the story. We prepare to go somewhere, have a set time to walk out the door, and inevitably run a few minutes late. To use all of the moments I have, I tend to attempt to accomplish one more thing.
I do the same for virtual meetings, bed time, dinner, you name it. Sitting down on the couch to spend time with my hubby and I think folding laundry would also be good to get done now. And don’t even get me started on the lists on the refrigerator noting places we have to see before we move again and purchases we have to make in the coming months. I am forever trying to accomplish just one more thing.
A task list is my jam. Checking boxes and finishing days with it all complete makes me feels useful and productive. I rationalize my “one more thing” through personality tests and the limited time we have on the planet, which is sometimes true. Honestly, lists do help my brain to process and I have every desire to “run the race” with everything I am.
But this one more thing can sometimes mask a lack of faith or a struggle with contentment.
A lack of faith seems pretty harsh. But if I think in order for the Lord to accomplish something he needs me to do most of it for him, I think a lack of faith is the right phrase. Obedience is super important in our walk with Christ. Out of love for our Savior, we desire to do ALL he has called us to do. But honestly, he is God. He created the universe without any help from me.
I do really want to do everything and sometimes feel like I am the lynch pin to making it happen, but I’m learning to let it go. Sometimes a hole needs to be left so others can see where they fit or maybe it’s a good idea but not the right time or place. When it’s the right time and place the Lord will bring what’s needed to get it done. It is not wholly dependent on me.
When my “one more thing” isn’t a lack of faith sometimes it is a struggle with contentment.
Contentment is a place where your spirit can rest in the midst. This doesn’t mean we’re on vacation and doing nothing, but it does mean obedience in ONLY what the Lord has called us to and letting the rest go. I can get confused and think contentment where I am means I’m not growing into what’s next, but I’m wrong.
Contentment usually means being satisfied with where God has put me and allowing HIM to grow me into what’s next. Seeking his heart and building relationship with him is far more important than the next thing on my to do list.
One more thing – productivity and a desire to live wholeheartedly for Christ are wonderful things when balanced with faith and contentment.
Maybe you don’t struggle with trying to answer all the world’s problems in twenty-four hours or accomplishing your fifty million things by Monday, but you could also swing the other way and figure there’s really no need to do much and you’re really not helpful or valuable anyway. Both lack Jesus in the middle.
When we lose sight of grace, redemption, hope, peace, sanctification, our focus turns to ourselves. In that moment, we’ve crossed the line from wholehearted obedience to self-centered accomplishment. If we’re not about Jesus, we’re wrong.

This is the key – where is my focus, not just of my eyes but my heart. I’m learning that balance comes not from my ability to simply make the right choices, but to look toward the One who can make them for me. So where is our focus today?
One more thing – my kids give me a hard time. But if this is on my headstone as a reflection of my wholehearted pursuit of Jesus for all of life, I say carve it in. If it’s simply a testimony of the desire for self-centered accomplishment, it’s not worth it. A check I need to run on my heart daily.
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