Walking up to the Chapel on post yesterday, I passed right by a piece of trash. I figured I had my hands full, I do a lot for people anyway, the least someone else could do was pick up the trash on their way in. I kept walking…till I heard the whisper in my heart.
He said, “Kori, pick up the trash.” I informed God that I did not want to pick up the trash. I did not necessarily even want to be out of my house and interacting with people anyway, so picking up trash was a bit too far. I mean, I had shown up already, give me a break, right?
Well, not so much. The voice was there again. He said, “I did not ask if you wanted to pick up the trash, I just told you to do it.” Apparently, that was the reminder of the day.
Obedience is mandatory, but not always fun. We get excited many times to follow Jesus – this life can be a wonderful adventure we never anticipated, but sometimes following can be hard. God calls us to complete obedience. He does not ask us if we want to or let us choose when we will follow, He just says to follow. Obedience much like love is a choice – and our attitude in it is a choice as well.
God asks us to do many things. Some as small as picking up a piece of trash and some much bigger. Regardless of the size, He expects us to simply to what He says…and to do it joyfully. We never know what is going on around us and what effect we have on others. We never know what God is trying to teach us or prepare us for down the road. There is so much we don’t know – we just have to learn to trust.
Much like I do with my children, I ask them to do smaller things to make sure they are following directions and as they learn and grow they are asked to do more. God does the same with us, but I also believe sometimes He wants to pull us back to the basics. Yesterday was one of those days. He wanted to know if I was going to be obedient in all things – even picking up the trash. I was reminded in that moment yesterday that I need to be more attentive to His voice. I am pretty sure He has asked me to do some little things like that at other times and I just didn’t hear. Like maybe standing in line at the commissary and He wants me just to encourage and share Jesus with the lady checking me out. Or maybe He wanted me to actually acknowledge and encourage some random person I have met. There is no telling what I have missed and it is not about just picking up trash. It is about sharing Jesus.
So today, I am determined to listen for His voice. In order to do that, though, I need to know His voice. I need to spend my time reading His Word and actually talking to Him (and listening). I get complacent and just read my verses, throw up a quick prayer and call it good. You can imagine how many friends I would have if I treated all of my relationships this way. A friend of mine the other day even pointed out that if we just spend one hour each day with Jesus, we have still only spent 4.2% of our time with Him. Wow, that doesn’t say much for me.
I am challenged and humbled…and prepared to do better. I want to hear His voice, and I want to follow. I want to share Jesus.
How about you? What kind of time do you spend with Jesus and how do you spend it (reading, praying, singing, etc)?
As an encouragement (and as a bonus because of my new website design!) I am giving away a Millitary Wives New Testament just published by Zondervan. Included in it are ninety days of devotionals written by military wives and stories from the homefront.
How do you enter? Either of two ways:
1. Simply comment below how you spend your quiet time with Jesus.
2. If you have a blog, you can answer this same question on your blog and link back to here. Please put the link to your blog post in the comments section below.
All entries must be in by midnight Tuesday, April 9. A winner will be chosen on Wednesday, April 10. Also look for another giveaway next week!
Lou Tyler says
You know I want this. I am so proud of the woman God has made in you and your fellowship with others. May God continue to use you to Glorify Him!
kori says
Lou – Thank you so much for your encouragement!! God has certainly done a work in me…I am a testimony to his grace!
Susan says
I’ve actually not told you this before but, it is because of you that I do have quiet time much more regularly these days. At the retreat in Topeka you said you don’t turn on the computer until you have coffee with God. I thought what a good idea and so that is when I started, in my closet with a journal, Bible, and some bible study book. I now, as you know, have my “prayer closet” with stereo as well. I spend at least an hour, at least 4 days, less on the others but, it has been the most consistent I’ve been ever! So, thanks for your example in my life! Love you. . .
Kori says
Susan – You rock. I am so very glad God crossed our paths. It is nice that I get to contribute something to your world – you do so much for us (even from half the country away). Thank you….for everything.
Marissa says
I absolutely LOVE singing and worshiping! I absolutely love having music play all day around the house and in the car. It’s so great to hear my two boys singing along…especially our youngest who is 18 mo old! My husband is currently gone at a school training (left in Jan…will be gone until at least late June) and he asked me to start sending him lyrics to our favorite worship songs so he can sing them while he’s out in the field. When I’m having a bad day, I just turn on my radio or Spotify/Pandora and instantly feel lifted and instantly get put in a better mood.
Marissa says
I absolutely LOVE singing and worshiping! I absolutely love having music play all day around the house and in the car. It’s so great to hear my two boys singing along…especially our youngest who is 18 mo old! My husband is currently gone at a training school (left in Jan…will be gone until at least late June) and he asked me to start sending him lyrics to our favorite worship songs so he can sing them while he’s out in the field. When I’m having a bad day, I just turn on my radio or Spotify/Pandora and instantly feel lifted and instantly get put in a better mood.
Kori says
Marissa – we love to sing worship songs too. My daughter (8 years) was just singing “He Lives” in the shower last night :). Love it!
Christine says
Kori, your smile and kind words have encouraged me many times. Thank you for your consistent loving attitude and obedience. Wish I could see you more! My favorite times with Jesus have been while walking in the woods, usually listening to worship music.
Kori says
Christine – You are such a blessing! Thank you for your encouragement. I wish I ran into you more also. Kyle has his best time with Jesus in the woods too!
Angela Camacho says
I enjoy reading my devotional s before I get out of bed in the morning. It is quiet and peaceful in the house. My husband is often TDY and I homeschool so quiet moments are rare. A friend introduced me to your blog and now that will be read in my “quiet time”!
Kori says
Angela – So glad you are following! I am with you about quiet time – if I am going to have quiet time it is in the morning before children get up. So thankful for those moments!
Lu-Ann Kubicar says
I just spend time reading the bible in the evening after the kids go to bed and I also am doing a book club with ladies from church on the book “Lineage of Grace” and learning so much more about these wise and courageous women in the bible.
Kori says
Lu-Ann – I am going to have to look that book up. I have not read it, but it sounds right up my alley! Thanks for the recommendation!