I think God works in themes.
Do you find that to be true? Surely you have had those moments when the same verse came up in your personal study, in the sermon at church on Sunday, and again in group Bible study later in the week. No doubt you have experienced it as well.
Sometimes I wonder about those themes, though. Like a few weeks ago when the story of Hosea and Gomer (if you need a refresher just read the book of Hosea) came up in my personal study, at church and again at Bible study. What’s up with that? I love the story of God’s redemption of us and the unconditional love He shows through Hosea. But in the real world, I really have no desire to be on either end of the Hosea and Gomer story. Really.
I love the themes when God gives reassurance to my heart, calms my fears, and builds my faith. The struggle comes when they are lessons of conviction, challenges to my understanding, and prodding beyond my comfort level.
Themes have their purpose, though. How many times have we had to tell our children the same thing a hundred times and they are still learning. Some “short people” I know still chew with their mouths open sometimes, talk with their mouth full, and even randomly make belching noises (periodically even at the table). I look at those children in shock as I sit there listening to the smacking going on at the table . . . and don’t get me started on the gum.
Then God reminds me that figuratively speaking in my spiritual walk, I frequently still chew with my mouth open, talk with my mouth full, and even belch. You get what I’m saying. He has taught me so many lessons so many times you would think that He would get tired of repeating Himself.
And then He reminds me of Hosea.
I wonder what in the world this has to do with me, till He graciously tells me of His unconditional love even when I’m belching at the spiritual table.
Themes. I need them because they not only mold me in ways I desperately need to become more like Him, they also are a sweet reminder of His patience and grace.
What themes do you see in your life right now? How has God used them in the past?
Liz says
I cannot believe your children would act so much like mine! LOL!! Yes… God has been working on me in multiples, lately! And I love it! Such a great reminder to stop and really see what He’s trying to teach. I can be a little slow on the uptake! XO
Kori says
You’re funny – you apparently haven’t seen my kids in action! I love them, though…and the entertainment they bring as well as the lessons they teach me. I tend to be slow on the uptake as well. 🙂
Stephanie says
Hi! My name is Stephanie and I am your neighbor on Monday Minute Linkup. I really appreciate your encouragement that God works in themes. As I continue in my walk with God, it seems that certain common themes keep coming up, and for me in my current season, that theme has been trust and rest (two things I’m not always great at). These are reminders of His love and His grace and His patience with me over and over again. I am in such awe of God when words come to mind or a scripture a few days before that EXACT message is given at my church that Sunday. 🙂
Kori says
Stephanie – so glad you stopped by!! I too am in awe of how the Lord does things and the detail at which He lays it out! Trust and Rest – I can relate to the challenge of the two!! Praying we both learn to do them both well. :).
Ginger Harrington says
I’ve come to call this looking for trends. When I look back through my journals, I’m always intrigued to see how often God has a theme in what I’m learning.
Kori says
Trends is a great word, Ginger. Looking back a journal is a great way to be reminded of what He has been doing because so many times it guides us in what He IS doing and gives us a peek and what He is GOING to to do. Love your thoughts, Ginger!